General Terms and Conditions
This contract regulates the contracting by the CUSTOMER described in the “CUSTOMER’S TECHNICAL DATA SHEET” section of the services of
maintenance of the animal described in the section “TECHNICAL DATA SHEET OF THE ANIMAL” provided by
The CLIENT hereby delivers the ANIMAL described in the technical data sheet for its stay and maintenance to the CENTRO CANINO INTEGRAL, who takes charge of the animal regarding its lodging, custody and care, committing itself to maintain the facilities in adequate hygienic and sanitary conditions. THE INTEGRAL CANINE CENTER reserves the right to admit the ANIMALS in its facilities according to the hygienic and sanitary conditions of the animal, health, currentness of the health cards, lack of microchip or any other circumstances that in turn discourage their admission.
The CLIENT shall deliver the ANIMAL duly identified by means of the corresponding microchip, vaccinated and dewormed internally and externally, presenting at the time of delivery of the animal the corresponding health card.
We do not accept aggressive dogs (both towards people and other dogs).
The occupancy regime can be daily or monthly. The occupancy rate includes full board, cleaning of the tent and
feed ANIMAL which will be high-end compound feed.
The price for stay and maintenance shall be paid in accordance with the price list posted at the kennel,
The price of the contract will be subject to annual updating. In the daily occupancy regime, the total amount of the services shall be paid in cash at the signing of the contract.
In the monthly occupancy regime, the monthly fee shall be paid in advance. All rates appearing in this document are subject to change without notice.
with may be subject to change in the future.
The delivery or pick up of the animal will be within the schedule established by the integral canine center. To pick up or deliver the animal out of hours, it will be charged as an extra service, which will be the amount established by the center.
integral canine.
The duration of the contract shall be agreed upon by the parties upon signature. After the agreed term has elapsed, the CUSTOMER shall proceed to its
withdrawal, or, within three days of the end of the contract, expressly state their wish to extend the contract, indicating the
term of the extension.
If the CUSTOMER, within three days following the termination of the contract, does not expressly state its desire to extend it, the
CENTRO CANINO INTEGRAL will send the CLIENT a recent date requirement at the address for notifications, notifying him/her of the
termination of the contract, non-compliance with the payment obligation, requiring the payment of the appropriate amounts and the removal of the animal.
After a period of ten days from the notification to the CUSTOMER, in accordance with the provisions of art. 16 of the Law
6/1993, of October, for the protection of animals, that, given the condition of ABANDONMENT OF THE ANIMAL, the CLIENT has at its disposal 7
The CUSTOMER will proceed to dispose of the ANIMAL by consigning it to the municipal services, assuming the CUSTOMER the expenses inherent to such delivery, and paying the INTEGRAL CANINE CENTER the amounts owed to the INTEGRAL CANINE CENTER.
The CENTRO CANINO INTEGRAL may terminate at any time and unilaterally the present contract if the CLIENT does not comply with the terms of the contract.
payment in the agreed terms, proceeding to the suspension of the contracted services, without prejudice to the right that the company may have to
assists CEN CANINO INTEGRAL to claim judicially the amounts owed.
In case of illness of the ANIMAL, the INTEGRAL CANINE CENTER will communicate it to the CLIENT or to the AUTHORIZED, who will decide the
it is advisable to visit a veterinarian. Failing this, the person designated in the data sheet will be contacted.
If this is not possible, the CLIENT authorizes any veterinary intervention that may be necessary for emergency reasons to safeguard the life of the ANIMAL at the CLIENT’s expense. In the event of the sudden death of the ANIMAL during the term of the contract at the CENTRO CANINO INTEGRAL, the etiology of the death will be sent to the veterinary center for the purpose of performing the necropsy determined, at the expense of the CLIENT.
We do not accept animals with contagious diseases. Animals under treatment and/or sick animals are not accepted, we strongly recommend for these animals that their stay is in the: veterinaries or hospitals.
If the stay of the animal in the residence is accepted, it is as long as the animal takes the treatment without problems and will always be the responsibility of the owner, being the Centro Canino Dkanes exempt from responsibility under what may happen (worsening disease, death, etc..). If veterinary services are required, the CUSTOMER authorizes such services, at the CUSTOMER’s expense.
If such treatment is to be provided outside the center’s opening hours, it will be charged as an extra service, the amount being the
established by the CENTRO CANINO INTEGRAL DKANES, is the one who has the power to decide the stay of the animal in the center.
DKANES CENTRO CANINO INTEGRAL is exempt of responsibility:
- For injuries and pathologies suffered by the animal that do not derive directly from negligence on the part of the center.
- For self-injury caused by the animal during the term of the contract.
- On the objects deposited by CUSTOMERS in the sheds (blankets, mats, toys, etc.).
- When animals, especially puppies, that have not completed their vaccination protocol or are not properly vaccinated, the vaccination is not carried out.
immunized, contract infectious-contagious diseases (coronavirus, parvovirus, infectious tracheobronchitis, leptospirosis etc…) during their stay at the INTEGRAL CANINE CENTER.
DKANES CENTRO CANINO INTEGRAL is under the law 15/1999, of December 13, of data protection.